Thursday, July 2, 2009


Just a little pillow I mad for a friend's 40th birthday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The baby blanket I made for Lacie Mikesell's baby shower. I wish I could be there to see the reaction on her face. I think she will be shocked to see what I have done.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

International Scarf Exchange 7 scarf!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh so many exciting things have happened! I knitted a Rebel Legion Bird hat for Steve Sansweet and he loved it! (pictured) For those of you who don't know who Mr. Sansweet is, he has the largest personal collection of Star Wars memorabilia in the world and has written many books on Star Wars topics. It is an honor to have something in his collection now! I told him that there will be many more things to come! I am revising the pattern for the Rebel Bird because the original pattern I found was way to straight.

I have also been asked to make some R2-D2 hats for some people in our Base. That will be a lot of fun! They are all so excited that there is some one in our base who can knit! Also, I will be making Leia buns hats for a lot of people. Right now I am making a Goth Leia hat with black hair and red and black buns for my Sith cheerleader uniform! Should be awesome!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Knitting Stress

I am having one of those times where I bring out to many projects at once. I have a sock to finish from Christmas, my Mother-in-Law has warn her socks so much she has a hole in them now so new socks for her too, a scarf for the International Scarf Exchange, a baby blanket for a boy and one for a girl both are due around the same time, finish the scarf that I started at Christmas so I can start working on another one for Scott's cousin and work on the jacket that my mom got me yarn for! I just want to stay home and knit all day and night to get it all done. Real life just gets into the way. I'm not one that is good at priorities I want everything done now! I don't want to wait for everything I want it NOW! I guess that is just my dad in me.

This is all just my knitting! I have many sewing projects to do too! I would love to just work on my crafts. I know I can get paid for them but will people pay for what it's worth? I don't think so. They just don't understand how much work and time go into some of the things I do.

I read about a guy who designs and knits Super Hero costumes. He makes a couple thousand for each, if he sells them. That got me to thinking and got me to start this Knit Wars blog. My husband and I are huge fans of Star Wars so I wanted to include our love of costuming for the Rebel Legion and my knitting together. I will be working on designs and other things here on this blog. I have many ideas that will come to life! Just need to get through the other stuff first!